Why do the palms of your hands itch - the main reasons

What do signs say in general?

Among the many signs, almost every one of us knows the meaning of what the left hand itches - it’s for profit. If you start scratching your palm, those around you will immediately bombard you with a bunch of advice on exactly how to scratch the part of your body that carries the news of profit. And now the happy owner of the harbinger of wealth begins to worry whether everything has been done correctly so that the sudden income settles in the wallet and does not rush past.

When your left hand itches, expect profit

To dispel doubts about the correctness of actions once and for all, we will consider in detail all the interpretations associated with this process. But first, let's talk about the right palm, because sometimes it is considered a messenger of material wealth.

Remember, when you greet a person, which hand do you offer for a handshake? That's right, right. This is where the sign came from that the right palm itches with anticipation of an imminent meeting. This could be an old friend you haven't seen for a long time, or maybe meeting a new person. To bring the meeting closer or, conversely, to push it further, there are even special rituals.

Depending on the day of the week, the right palm can also promise financial benefits. This happens on Tuesday. On Wednesday, on the contrary, it means big money expenses or losses.

Palm itches - video


By the way, for a left-handed person, the signs associated with the hands are interpreted exactly the opposite. This is due to the fact that all signs apply specifically to the active hand.

Itching in fingers or palms: what is a folk sign?

Signs assign each finger its own role

What is this sign? Here the belief requires a separate discussion. Imagine, our meticulous ancestors found their own interpretation for each finger of each hand! And you can easily verify this by skimming the article.” And in the case of palms, not only the left and right sides, the gender of the person and the day of the week matter, but even the time of day! In the article you will find more detailed information on this sign.

“You don't sit on the table,” my mother always told me without further explanation. Besides "rational" explanations about how the world works, every culture retains superstitions and formulas to bring good luck or discard bad things that are taught in the family. We Venezuelans are no exception: we have many superstitions that we live with every day, which pass from generation to generation and have become our Venezuelans.

Place a broom with bristles outside the door!

It is believed that unwanted visitors will be away from your home. The explanation is this: witches fly on brooms, so an unwanted visit will “fly”.

If someone is sweeping, run away from the broom

It's not because you're a witch, avoiding the temptation to fly away. This is because if you miss, the broom passes your feet by accident, your luck will shift as the broom clears itself in its path. Others think you won't get married: In some cultures, the broom was used to seal marriage rites and therefore for association.

A woman's or a man's?

The man has always been a breadwinner and took care of the well-being of the family. Therefore, for the stronger half of humanity, all the signs related to scratching the palms were of a more rational and pragmatic nature. For men, signs related to money or meetings are almost always of a business nature. This is not only an opportunity to get money, but also career advancement, which is also associated with material benefits.

For men, the left palm can itch not only for money, but also for a successful career

Women are more sensitive, so signs are emotional and relate to relationships with a man. And all signs associated with money are interpreted in a special feminine way.

For the weaker half of humanity, all signs related to money can be interpreted in a feminine way

So which hand itches for money?

The question is not easy. And there are many possible answers to it. Some believe that the right hand begins to itch for acquaintance, and the left for money. Others, in particular foreign Feng Shui, believe in the “circle of money” - the right hand receives it, the left hand gives it away, and everyone is happy. There is also a clarification according to which this rule is true only for men, while women should read the sign the other way around: money comes in through the left limb, and goes out through the right. Not everyone takes this into account, which is why the already controversial sign is completely confused.

Find out what objects in houses mean

We believe that having a horseshoe in the house will bring good luck to the home. In its shape, a horseshoe is a symbol of fertility and wealth. It also protects against witches: it was believed that witches flew on brooms because they were afraid of horses, so they would stay away from anything related to this animal.

Interpretation by days of the week

There is something in the house that cannot be lost: rice. The superstition is that rice attracts abundance, which is why spouses and rice are also sprinkled at weddings. And if you have elephant decorations, you should always turn your back to the door, and they should be in odd numbers to attract good luck to the place.

But the most pleasant option believes that scabies will in any case turn into profit if you follow the rituals for luring money. For this it is enough:

  • kiss the top of the hand clenched into a fist;
  • tap it on the crown;
  • scratch your palm on your pocket, any red object or tree;
  • squeeze a bill in your hand and put your fist under your arm or in the same pocket, but deeper;
  • scratch your hand towards you - from your fingertips to your wrist - so that the money understands in which direction it should move.

Why does your left palm itch by day of the week?

If your left palm is itchy, first make sure that this is not a manifestation of any disease or an insect bite. When all doubts on this score are swept away, remember what day of the week it is. Much will depend on this factor.


The hardest day of the week promises very easy profits. This money is not worth investing in anything, it will be of no use. The motto of this day is that what comes easily, goes easily.

  • for men - this will be a pleasant find, perhaps an old and forgotten stash or an unexpected cash bonus from management;
  • for women - a bonus or lottery win is also possible. Spend this money on yourself. Buy something new, it will please you for a long time.

On Monday, money comes easily and goes out just as easily.


This day of the week is considered the most fruitful and it is at this time that the palm, more than ever, reacts to the return of an old debt.

  • for men - an old acquaintance will suddenly remember that you financially supported him in difficult times and will repay the debt. But this money is best spent on relatives. By doing this you will attract other amounts of money that will form the basis of your future financial well-being;
  • for women - the debt will be returned at the moment when there are not enough funds to implement what has been planned for a long time. Higher powers give you the opportunity to make your dreams come true.

On Tuesday, old debts suddenly return


This day is considered difficult not only emotionally. An unexpected increase in money will not bring happiness. This money should be spent on charity. This way you will avoid possible problems in the future.

  • for men - the representatives of the stronger sex are lucky. They can spend a gift in the form of finances on home improvement or purchasing necessary small items;
  • for women - spend the money that comes on Wednesday only on good deeds. Moral satisfaction is sometimes more expensive than a low-quality item or a spoiled vacation.

Wednesday's windfall could be best spent on charity


Due to accumulated physical and emotional fatigue, vigilance is lost. This day is fraught with quarrels out of nowhere, and if unexpected money intervenes in the conflict, the quarrel can drag on for a long time. Therefore, try to control your behavior and not throw around offensive words.

  • for men - conflicts may arise at work due to incorrect distribution of responsibilities. At home, try to avoid provocations and scandals with loved ones;
  • for women - a long-awaited meeting with a loved one may end in a quarrel due to the intervention of friends. Therefore, it is worth setting priorities and meeting with those who are truly dear.

On Thursday, unexpected money can cause a quarrel


It's a hard day, but you shouldn't relax. Before you know it, you will miss the gift of fate in the form of a large sum that will literally fall at your feet. But so that luck does not turn away from you, try to spend this money profitably on the same day.

  • for men there is a high probability of finding a large amount of currency. Spend your money wisely, and then you can count on further luck;
  • for women - spend money from the heart for any of your needs, there will be no negative consequences.

Spend Friday's gift of fate with pleasure on your needs


An easy and successful day. A pleasant itch in the palm of your hand predicts easy advancement up the career ladder, and therefore an increase in income.

  • for men - a promotion or a successful deal that will bring considerable material benefits. In any case, the good news should be celebrated magnificently so that luck does not turn away from you;
  • for women - did you spare any nerves, effort and time to complete the work? Then you will receive a long-awaited bonus in the form of a salary increase.

If your left palm itches on Saturday, expect a promotion


A good day in all respects. Especially for those who have an itchy left palm. At a party with friends or on a romantic date, you will definitely receive an unexpected gift. He may be the most unexpected, but very generous.

  • for men - this will be a valuable gift that will give you the opportunity to achieve your goals without making much effort. But don’t get arrogant, luck is a capricious lady;
  • for women - a chic gift will not only bring a lot of positive emotions, but can also become life-changing.

Sunday is generous with unexpected gifts

What time of day does your hand itch: signs for morning, afternoon and evening

The time of day allows you to interpret the sign more accurately. Depending on when the itching in the left palm began, the predictions vary somewhat.

  • if the itching appeared in the morning, the news will definitely be very good. And the more your palm itches, the more pleasant the subsequent events;
  • daytime scratching - expect guests. But perhaps someone will invite you to visit;
  • If your palm itches in the evening, take it seriously. This could mean conflicts with family, friends or bosses, and not just financially. Stop looking for someone to blame for your own failures, stop criticizing others and forgive insults. You'll see that everything will work out.

The more your left palm itches in the morning, the more pleasant the subsequent events

Causes of the disease

Why your palms itch can be very difficult to understand. There is an opinion that this is how pain manifests itself, that is, the skin itches when the receptors are irritated. Itching sensations cause an inflammatory process, as a result of which the skin color changes and blisters form on its surface. Palms can itch under the influence of negative factors, with sudden temperature fluctuations.

The most popular reason is increased sweating. It is observed with poor hygiene or the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition, itchy skin that occurs on the palms of the hands can also be bothersome due to other ailments:

AllergyIncreased sensitivity of the body to certain substances leads to deterioration of well-being. One of its manifestations is constant itching of the palms. Allergens include food, animal hair, household chemicals, dust, etc.
EczemaInflammation of the skin, which can be acute or chronic. The disease is accompanied by various rashes and an unpleasant burning sensation.
ScabiesA disease caused by the scabies mite. As a rule, it is localized in the area between the fingers, as well as on the wrists. At night the parasite is especially active, so the itching intensifies
Vegetovascular dystoniaA disease in which the natural balance of the nervous system is disrupted. It is she who ensures the normal functioning of all important systems. With overwork and stress, malfunctions are possible, resulting in tachycardia, digestive disorders, and pressure changes. Palms may also become very itchy
Depression and neurosesDisorders in which itching may occur on the skin of the hands. There are no other signs noted

Sometimes itching indicates the presence of the following diseases:

  • liver – cirrhosis or hepatitis;
  • intestines and stomach;
  • skin – infections and fungal infections;
  • blood and lymphatic system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • diabetes.

Expectant mothers sometimes have itchy palms. As a rule, the symptom appears in the last months of pregnancy, and skin rashes are also possible. The problem is often observed in people of advanced age, which is due to severe dryness of the skin.

What needs to be done to enhance the effect of the sign

In order to enhance the effect of the sign, there are several rituals that will help achieve the desired result.

  1. Most often, knowledgeable people advise imagining a stack of large bills in your left hand. Virtual money should be clenched tightly in your fist, placed in your pocket and held there for a while, imagining how the money remained in your pocket. After this, unclench your hand.
  2. When you feel a slight itch in your left palm, scratch it thoroughly, then kiss it three times, and put it in your pocket. At the same time, one should say: “To the money! So be it."
  3. If you don't have a pocket, you can touch your purse or wallet.
  4. Is your left palm itchy? Grab a bill or coin immediately. Hold the money for a few seconds and calmly put it back.
  5. You can also scratch your palm on the edge of the table or on something red, as this color symbolizes prosperity. Accompany your actions with the words: “I scratch my palm against the red, so as not to be in vain.”
  6. If an itchy palm catches you in a crowded place and you are embarrassed to perform the steps described above, you can simply put your thumbs in your pockets. This pose is considered a money sign.

To enhance the effect of a sign, perform simple rituals

The meaning of the sign

Life is varied and unpredictable, but sometimes after some incident a sequence of events occurs - happy or unhappy. Every person fantasizes about something, various fears are hidden deep in the soul. Many people are convinced that higher powers send them signs that are important to interpret correctly so that everything is fine in life.

Some even carry amulets or lucky things, or charms against the evil eye. These could be stones, coins, buttons, or special jewelry. And they believe in the power of such a talisman, so they never part with it.

Those who are prone to superstitions are ready to explain a lot of things to the mysterious influence of fate. One of these signs is that if your left hand begins to itch, this means that money will soon appear.

At the same time, you can increase cash flow with special rituals:

  • When the palm of your left hand itches, you should imagine that there is a large bill or even a whole wad of money on this hand. After this, you need to touch the itchy palm with your lips and place it in the pocket intended for the other hand;
  • The itchy palm should be kissed, scratched, and then hit on the forehead three times, and then put the hand in your pocket, thinking about money, vividly imagining it on this palm;
  • If the itching is severe, you need to take out a banknote of any denomination and place it in your wallet, saying: “Money to money”;
  • When your palm itches, before the day comes to an end, you need to pay off your debts. Thanks to this action, this money that you returned will return to you again, only in larger quantities.

A person who assesses what is happening to them more realistically believes that if the hand begins to itch, then this means a change in the weather. That is, the vessels react to sudden changes in pressure.

If you listen to psychics, you can conclude that when the back of your hand itches, it means a present that will lead to trouble.

And if your left hand begins to itch on both sides, this means that you will be given a present by those people who want you harm.

How to properly scratch your left palm

To ensure that the sign comes true, try to perform the ritual correctly. After all, inaccurately performed actions can result in quick waste or loss of money.

  1. You should always scratch your palm towards you.
  2. You can scratch with your hand. But the best way is with money or a wallet. If you scratch your palm on the furniture, this promises the purchase of new furniture; if you scratch your palm on clothes, you will show off new clothes.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to scratch your palm on an empty wallet. Although there is an opinion that it is an empty wallet that will hint to higher powers about the need to replenish cash reserves. Now it’s up to you to decide which option is preferable.
  4. Before buying a lottery ticket, scratch your palm with a coin.

For the omen to work, you can scratch your palm with a banknote

What else could portend such an itch?

Sometimes the left palm does not feel profit at all, but, on the contrary, spending. It is quite possible that unforeseen circumstances will arise that will require you to spend a lot of money, or you have planned to purchase expensive things. In order not to upset the balance between spending and receiving money, there is an excellent rule - give money to pay for something only with your left hand, and be sure to take change with your right.

Those who frequently scratch the back of their left hand are believed to have a deductive mindset. And if the edge of your hand itches, you need to be on your guard - because of rash actions, you can quarrel to smithereens with a loved one.

To trust signs or not is up to each of us. I personally don’t mind believing in positive predictions. After all, it is better to live with a premonition of something good than with the expectation of something negative. But sometimes you still need to look at your feet, just in case.

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