A simple runic secret of female sexuality


Runic staves help in accomplishing any task. If the operator is faced with the task of separating the lovers or returning the beloved to the family, he uses the powerful Cold Bed runes to cool the ardor of the lovers. After the destruction of the sexual bond between lovers, there is no longer any desire to be together, quarrels and nagging at each other begin. As a result, the couple separates.

Cooling relationships through runes

Ancient symbols draw strength from natural elements, from invisible matter - energy flows. Each of them carries its own wisdom and effect. Runes are used separately for quick action or as a part of a complex stave. The overall effect of the ritual depends on the size of the runic formula.

In ancient systems there are runes of sexuality, sex, passion. They carry the energy of attractiveness and reveal the true nature of a woman or man. Such runes are used to attract a partner or enhance sexuality.

Symbols are also useful in the opposite case, when sexuality needs to be destroyed. If passion is the basis of an undesirable binding operator, the relationship falls apart under the influence of ancient symbols.

Kenaz is a sign of sexuality and magnetism. The rune is suitable for attracting a partner, and in an inverted position, for destroying sexual desire.

Rune of sex - Eyvaz. The symbol is an impetus for revealing the sexual side. With its help, a strong bond is created. The rune is suitable for attracting love and destroying passion if it is used inverted and in a complex position.

What to do after receiving the result

When you get what you want, the runic focus on love and sex will need to be destroyed.

The wish has come true and the question arises: what actions to take with the stake? Be sure to remember, the formula must be destroyed so that opposition does not begin. When success is achieved, you need to delete the inscribed characters.

When it is not possible to remove it, you can burn a piece of paper or a photo with a stave. At the same time, you need to offer words of endless gratitude to the runes for the help provided.

Many will ask the question: can you just forget and not remember, leaving a photo. It’s impossible, because the energy flow will go back to elimination. Therefore, the deadline for fulfilling the stav must be clearly stated, after which its influence ends.

Sometimes a steel is created for long-term work, what to do in this case? It is necessary, using your own breath, to revive your standing and trace the drawn symbols with your fingers.

When is this update needed? Basically every two months. When making a long stave, it is best to burn it on a wooden plane, or use a stone, but this is not a necessary condition. Most importantly, if you want to preserve the runic formula inscribed on a piece of paper, you can dip it in melted wax and dry it.

Runes for bad sex

Magic runes for bad sex are aimed at energy flow. Intimate relationships are a sacrament, so only such methods violate it. The operator, performing the ritual, directs negativity towards intimacy, making the lovers unsuitable for each other.

These runes are used to cool someone else's bed.

  1. Isa. Two symbols are used at once to harm sexual relationships. Isa brings coldness and disdain to the couple. The quality of sex deteriorates, quarrels appear. Lovers do not want to spend time together and are often absent from home.
  2. Raido. As one sign of directed action, to reduce the sexual desire of partners, the inverted Raido rune is used. She closes the paths of lovers. They stay together, but not for long. It is difficult for them to find a common language and understand each other in bed.
  3. Algiz. To attract coldness into a relationship, a protective rune is used. In most cases, Algiz serves as a talisman against trouble and negativity. If you put strong protection on a woman from a man or a man from a woman, their life together is not destined to happen. The first problems in a couple will begin due to incompatibility in their sex life.

Any rune of sexuality or passion can play against a new union. The combination of several signs gives the most lasting and complex effect.

In what cases are staves used?

The Slave Cross formula is most often used to attract certain attention from a loved one. Or in cases where the object of interest does not want to be interested in an unrequitedly in love operator.

The Slave Cross formula can also be very useful in cases where there is intimate cooling between existing partners, betrayal, frigidity and impotence. The runic script Slave Cross should not be used without preliminary diagnosis due to possible severe kickbacks.

Universal becoming

Runic symbols can ignite the fire of passion or extinguish it, even if the partners have good compatibility. Constant outside interference allows you to destroy the emerging feelings: without sex, as a bonding factor in the relationship, partners quickly separate.

The prototype of good and harmonious relationships is the universal becoming Gebo, Kenaz, Vunyo. The runic formula gives harmony, reduces the level of aggression and smoothes out the so-called rough edges in relationships. The modified combination of Gebo, Kenaz, Vunyo is used for disharmony, discord and quick separation.

To make the lapel work, additional symbols are added to it. Gebo directs the action of the stave and makes a strong energy connection. After this, the strong lapel rune Isa comes into force.

It cools the ardor of lovers, brings coldness into the relationship - lovers become cruel, do not hear each other and do not want to compromise. The additional rune is Hagalaz. The rune of destruction enhances the work of Isa. Vunyo completes the passion-destroying act. The symbol makes the formula resistant to external influences. It guarantees a long-lasting effect.

Formula Cold bed

A cold bed is one of the most famous strategies for destroying relationships. He is capable of destroying any, even the strongest relationships. He acts comprehensively and despite all the desires of the lovers, their relationship cannot be saved.

Becoming extinguishes passion, love and affection. His first action is lack of sexual desire. Gradually, lovers move away, finding solace in the arms of lovers or former lovers.

  1. Berkano-Ear-Berkano. The symbols belong to the ancient Germanic series. Berkano is a prototype of the source, the mother, the fundamental value. An upside down sign destroys what unites people. The symbol is executed twice in the formula to enhance the destructive power. Ear symbolizes death, ending.
  2. Ear-Ingvaz-Ear. Double Ear is used in the second row of a complex formula. It enhances the destructive effect of the previous series of runic symbols. Ingvaz is responsible for stopping joint traffic.
  3. Berkano-Ear-Berkano. The final row repeats two powerful runes - Berkano and Ear. Symbols destroy the remnants of good relationships. Runes gradually destroy trust and the desire to change the current negative situation.

A strong runic formula is negotiated with thoughts about people - symbols of destruction must be given direction, strength, an object. Lovers have psychological problems: they have the impression that the problems cannot be solved.

Application methods

Each runic system has its own methods of activation, application, and use. A cold bed is a complex becoming of the Northumbrian system. It is used to destroy relationships and is specified to work for a certain period of time.

Tips on how to apply symbols to completely destroy passion and turn a couple’s sex into a real test are to follow 4 points.

  1. Use a durable base. The operator must place the runes on a good, solid base. In this case, it is better not to use thin paper. The most suitable option is wood or natural stone. The base is pre-cleaned and dried. Markers and pencils are used to apply symbols - the application tool is not so important.
  2. Link to a photo or personal item. The destruction of a sexual connection occurs purposefully. To make the runes work faster, they are not only charged, but also directed. In this case, the most reliable option is to use a photo of lovers. The printed photograph is used as the basis for a runic pattern. A fresh photograph is selected for the ritual.
  3. Perform a secret action. The runic ritual must be hidden from outsiders. The enchanted ancient symbols are hidden, hidden, so as not to violate the mystery of the ritual.
  4. Carry out the correct activation. When the runes are ready, they are applied to the correct material, they are activated - this is one of the most important stages.

Sexual energy is a flow: after intervention, the energy flow is disrupted. If the operator is interested in restoring the flow - the man will return to his former lover and repent of his affair on the side, then the runes are destroyed. They are burned with words of gratitude.

Activation methods

The finished one is activated, otherwise it will not work. To do this, they use 2 popular methods - through exposure to natural elements or through a slander. Whatever method the operator chooses, sexual energy will be destroyed.

In the Cold Bed setup, the key operator is Ear, so the best way to activate the formula is to sprinkle the runes with earth. It is better to use cemetery soil charged with the power of death. A suitable option is instillation, so that the sexual craving of lovers disappears gradually.

The slander is used at the end of the ritual. The cameraman addresses Hel, the mistress of the dead in Scandinavian mythology. The goddess will help you realize your plans. The slander begins with words of address, and only then the main task is pronounced. The slander mentions the names of future victims.

At the end of the ritual, the operator thanks for the help. He turns to the runes with the words: thank you for your help, for your assistance and protection. Immediately after pronouncing the slander, the runic formula begins to work, and the first results are visible in the first week.

A simple runic secret of female sexuality

It is no secret that one of the main interests of all times and peoples has been and remains the question of Men and Women. How to find, how to attract, how to retain. Moreover, one thing is important for men when looking for a woman, but something else is important for women when looking for a man.

Today we’ll talk about women in search . There are so many of us women around, all so different and so attractive, so lonely and so sad, so sexy and so gray mice. Some men are following, but there is only a rumble. And they don’t approach others and don’t notice. How to get people noticed?

Yes, very simple. Discover your sexuality . Wake her up. Make her give off vibes on all the men passing by. To resurrect her from the dead, where kindergarten and school, grandmothers and girlfriends, and the rules of good manners had been pushing her for so long. Because only a sexy and liberated woman can not only attract, but also keep a man for a long time. For life. Until my death.

You may ask - what about the appearance? Doesn't it really matter? It has, of course. And we will get to it in due time. But this is not the main thing. An appearance that is not supported by inner sexuality is nothing, an empty wrapper, zero without a stick. Such people - with appearance, but without sexuality - are taken with them for beauty. And the sexual ones are groomed, cherished, and do not allow any outside male to lay eyes on her. However, for a sexy woman this is not important. But we won’t talk about that now either – later.

So, sexuality. She has a simple secret. And he hides - you know where - of course, in the uterus. After all, it is the presence of a uterus that makes us women and distinguishes us from men. We are creatures that can do everything with the help of the womb. Well, or they were capable of it once. And if we could once, we can do it now. Well, you will have to work hard, but as they say, you won’t even get a fish out of the pond without effort... However, this is a man’s saying. Another one is suitable for us - sexuality requires investment, attention and effort and a healthy uterus.

The first sign of infringed and tortured female sexuality is problems of the female reproductive system - the uterus, ovaries. If you have them, they need to be addressed, the sooner the better. Because sexuality unwinding techniques assume that the uterus is healthy.

If we have a healthy uterus, but there is no man - an ideal man - next to us, then we need to engage in sexuality. And this can be done in different ways. Meditation techniques, visualization, transurfing, and any transformational techniques will do. Runes are even better. Because that's what they're meant for.

Runes can be worked in different ways. For example, you can draw runic formulas for a love spell—the entire Internet is filled with them, so I won’t even give examples. In my opinion, this doesn't work. Or rather, it doesn’t work for everyone. And those who work for them have long since passed the age of creating runic love spells. They do things differently. And for the rest it doesn't work. There just isn't enough personal power. Therefore, trying to bewitch a man using such formulas is a waste of time and a waste of time.

You can also change yourself with runes . And this is exactly what is a very effective and efficient method. Because, not instantly, but the result appears and does not disappear anywhere. It becomes yours by right. It is this way of working with runes, in my opinion, that is the most correct, the most accessible and the most effective. In this case, formulas are also created, but they are directed not at some object that is interesting to us, but at ourselves, the most unique and unrepeatable of ourselves. We must be the very best. And runes help with this.

It all starts with two female runes - Berkana (similar to the letter B) and Laguz (the opposite one). These two forces (and behind each runic symbol there is strength and energy) help a woman to be a “real woman.” The one who “stops a galloping horse and enters a burning hut.” And also - it will calm, inspire and protect, and grow and educate, and warm, and burn with its gaze, and slip from the hands of an invisible shadow, forcing you to rush around in search of what has escaped in all corners of the world. And then he will return, curl up in a ball on his lap, and purr affectionately, returning comfort and warmth.

There are always several facets hidden in a woman, a sexy woman. And there are always two sides hiding. The first is the witch's, and the second is the mother's. In runic mythology, these two sides are reflected by two goddesses - Freya, the goddess of love, beauty and passion, and Frigg, the wife of Odin and the mother of all life on earth. At the right moment, the facet of Freya comes out - and the woman seduces, beckons and inspires to exploits with her perfection. And at some point Frigga’s time comes - the time to protect, care, create warmth and comfort. And it is impossible to be a truly attractive woman if there is only one facet. Either you will quickly burn your betrothed, or he will quickly become bored with you.

So, taking care of your own sexuality begins with friendship with these forces. Laguz is responsible for the facet of Freya, Berkana is responsible for the facet of Frigga. How to get to know them? Wear runic stones with their images, and pay attention to these forces and how they “tread paths” in your body. At some point it will become clear that the friendship has taken place. And then the time will come for new beginnings.

Another formula. " Laguz - Yer - Berkana" . Almost the same as before. But a third rune appears. It's called Hyeres . And she is the connecting link between the two facets of a woman’s character. This power helps make the transition from Frigga to Freya and back smooth, timely and harmonious. Helps you feel better about yourself, others, and the world around you. Helps you act as circumstances require. In the best, most efficient way. Such a pebble can honestly be called a “harmonizer,” because that’s exactly what it does. Harmonizes feminine energies in a woman, and harmonizes the woman herself with the world around her. Both the world of Power and the world of man.

It is in such simple and unprepossessing runic formulas that the mystery of female sexuality lies. Naturally, it is not enough to simply draw these formulas - although you can start with this. Naturally, we cannot expect that we can simply wear magic stones and complete happiness will come to our lives. Because you will have to make a conscious effort to help the Force (energy) work with your body. But such things are a very serious help to yourself on the path to a happy life with a happy man, because next to him is a truly sexy woman.

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