Demantoid: what kind of stone is it, its features and properties

Title in EnglishDemantoid
GroupPomegranate group
ColorGreen, Yellow-green, Pistachio green
Stroke colorWhite
ShineDiamond, Glass
Hardness6,5 – 7
Density, g/cm³3,8 – 3,9
KinkSplintered, Uneven, Conchoidal
origin of nameLike diamonds, demantoid facets can play brilliantly with light. For such a similar feature, this type of garnet received the name “diamond-like”. To create the word demantoid, they used the German term Diamant - diamond and the Greek word εἶδος, which translates as appearance. Also, demantoid is known under other names. For example, the Ural emerald. It was in the Urals that the first demantoids were found and its production was discovered. Also, in the Western world, the demantoid was associated with the Russian nobility, as it was their most beloved jewel.
MorphologyThe natural appearance of demantoid crystals has a rhombic-dodecahedral shape.

Demantoids are a transparent variety of andradite with a bright green color, which is due to the presence of iron and chromium inclusions in the stone. In addition, among natural minerals there are yellow specimens that contain titanium, with “cat’s eyes” of fibrous asbestos inclusions, and with golden iridescent “sparkles.” Due to high light refraction, demantoid is characterized by a beautiful play of light on its edges, as a result of which the gem looks like the rarest green diamonds, which is reflected in the name “demantoid” (that is, “diamond-like”). The first specimens of the stone were discovered at the end of the 19th century and became known as “Ural emeralds.” Now they are mined in countries such as Italy, Namibia, and Sri Lanka.

Origin story

The stone found in the Urals has a special feature. It was first discovered in the mid-19th century in Russia. Children found the mineral while frolicking on the banks of the Bobrovka River. The find was initially mistaken for a type of chrysolite. The Ural demantoids began to be mined by prospectors mining platinum and gold nuggets in the valley of this river. It was only in 1849 that the minerals fell into the hands of the Finnish explorer Nils Nordenskiöld.

He examined the gem and discovered that it was a chromium-containing variety of andradite garnet, which had an unusual coloration that varied from emerald to peridot, and not peridot itself. Five years later, Nordenskiöld spoke about the results of his research, speaking at a meeting of the Mineralogical Society. There, he proposed calling the stone “demantoid”, since it was distinguished by a strong “game” of color, like a diamond.

Place of Birth

Today, stone deposits amount to only a few. Industrial-scale mining is carried out only in Russia, in the Middle Urals. Local material is of the highest quality in the world. The deposits of Kamchatka are being studied for development.

The world's main suppliers of jewelry grade raw materials are Iran and Madagascar.

The gem is also found in Africa - Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia.

Properties of the stone

The chemical formula of the mineral is a silicate, which includes titanium, iron and chromium - Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3. The presence of such elements provides the special color of the demantoid. The yellow tint comes from titanium, while the remaining ingredients create a greenish structure.

Physical properties

On the Mohs stone hardness scale, the nugget is rated 6.5–7. In nature, these minerals are found in the form of small crystals, up to 0.5 centimeters in size. Larger gems are an extremely rare sight. The nugget is characterized by an excellent play of light, which is due to excellent light refraction and brilliance. This is especially noticeable in the presence of artificial lighting.

Healing properties

The mineral has a healing effect on physical and emotional health. The green tint of demantoid helps:

  • normalize eye function for myopia and farsightedness;
  • improve the condition of the nervous system;
  • cleanse the vessels;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • relieve unpleasant symptoms of colds;
  • eliminate intimate problems (overcome infertility, protect against impotence).

Magic properties

The exoteric properties of the stone were discovered towards the end of the 19th century. Psychics and magicians have determined the capabilities of the gem:

  • improves love relationships, helps to find your soul mate, protects the family from all kinds of misfortunes;
  • promotes a person’s career growth;
  • opens up the body's hidden reserves;
  • improves spiritual development;
  • consolidates and multiplies achieved results;
  • helps to successfully implement business projects;
  • helps strengthen peace of mind, guides you to the right path in life;
  • makes the owner more organized;
  • eliminates laziness and passivity.

Physico-chemical characteristics of demantoid

The chemical composition of demantoid is represented by calcium, iron and silicon.
These are the main elements, the impurities of which are iron, chromium and titanium. Color characteristics include green, yellowish green, olive green and emerald green. A yellowish color appears only when titanium compounds are present in the sample. — Advertising —

Demantoid crystals are characterized by a very beautiful play of color (more pronounced than that of diamonds). Their hardness on the Mohs scale is 6.7-7. They are rarely large in size.

Types of stone

All demantoids differ in their composition. The presence of certain chemical compounds affects the color of the nugget and the degree of refraction of rays. Among them there are the following varieties:

  • bisolite inclusions (the so-called “ponytail”) create bright yellow-green tones;

  • minerals with cat's eye effect.

The diamond-like gem is transparent, its color is influenced by the impurities of the incoming elements. More often, the color comes from ingredients such as titanium, iron and chromium. The first of them provides a yellowish tint.

There are also rare exceptions:

  • gems with a red-violet tint, mother-of-pearl or lilac tone;
  • unique peach-colored specimens.

However, the main color still remains a greenish tint.

Jewelry with mineral

The variety of shades of the mineral opens up opportunities for craftsmen to produce the most sophisticated products. Demantoid looks great in earrings, brooches, pendants, and rings. Russian tsars and nobility wore stone jewelry.

Helpful information

At the beginning of the last century, Carl Faberge chose Ural stone for his products. When the famous jeweler Tiffany noticed him, he included rings with the mineral in the collections of his jewelry house.

Rings made of gold and demantoid look chic and rich. They can be worn with a dark dress. A silver frame with the same stone looks more airy. It is better to wear it with light clothes. Gold earrings with a mineral embedded in the center will challenge your surroundings. The person will always be the center of attention. A necklace with demantoid decoration will amaze the public.

The magic of green pomegranate

Demantoids are good amulets. Stones will not allow scammers to fool you. The magic of the gem will help the owner to be collected and not get scattered over trifles. As a result, the owner of jewelry with a demantoid stone takes a more responsible approach to his life and its planning.

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Wear a ring with a demantoid, and the stone will gradually force you to grow professionally and intellectually.

Ring with demantoid

The magical properties of demantoid will help the owner overcome laziness and irresponsibility.

For women, a demantoid talisman, as esotericists say, will be a guarantee of happy love and a good family. Earrings with demantoids will ward off the evil eye and damage, and will attract the admiring glances of men to you.

In Kuprin’s story “The Garnet Bracelet,” a telegraph operator who unrequitedly loves a high-society lady writes to her:

“According to an old legend that has been preserved in our family, it (the green pomegranate) has the ability to impart the gift of foresight to the women who wear it and drives away heavy thoughts from them. It protects men from violent death.”

Warning: a stolen pomegranate is “dangerous and brings misfortune, loss of mind, money and health.”

How to wear it correctly?

Using the stone in talismans will help overcome laziness, gain attractiveness, and improve your financial condition. Wearing an amulet with demantoid will create a feeling of confidence, will allow you to learn how to express thoughts, achieve goals, and not waste time on chatter.

The mineral in the ring will help you find mutual understanding with your business partner, teach you to perceive relationships through the prism of confidence, teach you mutual respect and the concept of your own importance. Souvenirs inlaid with demantoid can be used as a talisman. To do this, you just need to install the amulet in a prominent place in the room and forget about scandals forever.

Taking care of the gem

If you want to always have shiny, eye-catching jewelry, you need to take care of it.

Those who are confident in the magical properties of pomegranate can be advised to carry out energy cleansing under running water once every two weeks. To clear away negativity, the sounds of “singing bowls” and ringing bells are also used.

Earrings with demantoid

If you don’t believe in the magic of stones, you still need to clean your jewelry from household dirt.

Wash the jewelry with soapy water, rinse, dry with a napkin. Give your jewelry a separate case, box, or simply store it in a bag of thick, soft fabric (it can be fleece, velvet). We recommend: PERIDOT - evening emerald that brings abundance

How to distinguish from a fake?

A simple and reliable method to distinguish a natural gem from a fake is to look at the crystals through a Chelsea filter. If there is a glass fake, the image will not change color, remaining green. A real demantoid looks red through the filter. This device was developed by English craftsmen to identify natural green gems. The filter is compact, similar to a folding magnifying glass with dark glass.

You can also use a regular magnifying glass. The mineral should be examined in bright light. The nugget has beautiful iridescence and color shades. Some specimens have small inclusions.

Important information

Pay attention to the size of the demantoid. In nature there are practically no crystals with a diameter higher than 1 cm. Tactile perception will tell a lot. The glass fake instantly heats up when in your hand.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The opinions of astrologers are that this mineral is best suited for people born under the signs of the air element (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra). Leos and Sagittarius can also wear items with this stone. He will make them successful and healthy.

Pisces should absolutely not use demantoid, since it negatively affects all areas of their life. All other signs of the Zodiac (Scorpios, Virgos, Capricorns, Aries, Taurus and Cancers) prefer to use other crystals, which can more effectively help in their personal life, work and study, and have a beneficial effect on health.


Among the varieties of garnet, demantoid is a fairly rare mineral, therefore it is highly valued, although the crystal is classified as a semi-precious nugget.

The cost of demantoid is constantly growing. A regular stone is valued at $150 per carat. When it has impeccable quality, the price increases tenfold. The price of a Madagascar gem today is about 10,000 rubles. But a nugget mined here in the Urals is valued much more expensive.

Demantoids are used to make inserts into silver or gold jewelry. Such products are characterized by a fairly high cost, especially for Ural minerals.

According to the classification of jewelers, demantoid is recognized as a semi-precious stone, which is why the cost of jewelry is considered affordable, but quite expensive items are also often found:

  • earrings made of 925 silver with 2 stones weighing 0.56 carats are estimated at 3,600 rubles;
  • gold earrings containing small and large stone crystals weighing 6.7 carats cost approximately $1,500;
  • a gold ring for men containing this gem, weighing 0.12 carats, is usually valued at $400;
  • An ornate engagement ring with crystal inclusions, weighing just over 8 grams, will cost the buyer $870.

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