Why do you dream about a pillow? Dream Interpretation Pillow

Interpretation according to different dream books

Miller's Dream Book

explains the appearance of a pillow in a dream by the desire to retire. You work a lot and are very tired, so the thought that it’s time to slow down has migrated into your dreams. If you dream of a small pillow, expect small financial losses; a large pillow may portend deception. If in a dream the pillow is soft and pleasant to lie on, you may be deceived. A hard, elastic pillow is a symbol of help and support for relatives.

Vanga's Dream Book

explains the pillow in dreams as imminent disappointment.

You have high hopes for an unreliable person; there is a high probability that he will not live up to them. Also, such a dream is a symbol of the need for protection. Sometimes you need help, even though you appear to be a strong, unshakable person. If there are several pillows, then you will have to choose between dear people, and if the pillow is old, think about your older relatives, they need your support. According to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A pillow in a dream represents new acquaintances, new friends. You will find comrades who will not betray you in difficult times or friends with whom it is interesting to spend the evening. Also, such a dream may indicate that you need a change in activity. You have completely exhausted your potential in this field, it’s time to look for something else.

Modern dream book

interprets the pillow as a path to luxury and comfort. Your work will soon pay off, your financial situation will reach a new level. What you couldn’t afford just recently will soon come into your hands. Also, such a dream may foretell the end of rest and the beginning of new interesting work on oneself.

Russian dream book

explains the appearance of a pillow in dreams with the desire to radically change life. If in a dream you are lying on a pillow, then you are haunted by problems, you have nowhere to throw out accumulated emotions. If the pillow is not to your liking, too hard, or, on the contrary, too soft, soon changes will come into your life and turn everything upside down. Also, such a dream may indicate a search for a solid shoulder, a wall behind which you could hide in difficult periods of life.

Freud's Dream Book

interprets sleeping with a pillow as a desire to be protected. And not just anyone, but parents, closest relatives. You have a strong desire to return to your father’s house, to revel in the memories, to plunge into nostalgia. Put things aside for a while and fulfill this desire, you will immediately begin to feel calmer. Also, such a dream may indicate a fading sexual desire for your lover, do not keep it to yourself, discuss it with your loved one.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about a pillow? A pillow seen in a dream foretells relaxation and pleasure. Beautifully embroidered pillows can be a sign of success in all matters. Resting on a silk pillow means achieving peace at the cost of the worries and worries of other people. Seeing a small pillow in a dream means losing your influence on events, while your loved ones will become more successful in business. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows an awakening interest in spiritual life and a desire for independence. If a girl dreamed that she was sewing a silk pillow, she would have encouraging prospects for the future, and a quick and happy marriage was possible.

Why does a woman dream about a pillow?

To the girl

The pillow dreams of changes in your personal life, creative growth and the release of potential. If the pillow in a dream is large and soft, it means you will soon meet your fate; if it is old and worn out, you will have to try hard to realize your potential. Also, such a dream may indicate that you do not have enough time for yourself and to take care of your appearance.


a woman dreams of a pillow in front of a difficult task, a problem that will have to be solved alone. You will have to use all your diligence to get out of an unpleasant situation. If a pillow causes discomfort in a dream, then you will quickly deal with the problem, and if you fall asleep on a pillow, you will have to sweat a lot.

In love

a woman dreams of a pillow before a new turn in a relationship. Your lover is ready to take a step towards the future, you just need to inspire and guide him. Also, such a dream suggests that you worry too much about trifles: relax, everything is going as it should.


A woman dreams of a pillow when she is overly emotional in reality. You feel tired, constantly worry and are nervous - this can cause severe blues or even depression. Try to unwind and get out of the house, and if that doesn’t help, find a new hobby.

Aesop's Dream Book

This interpreter also suggests several reasons why a person might dream of a pillow. Its first interpretation is similar to what was described above in the Russian folk dream book. The original interpretation also suggests that the dream may be inspired by old age or simply fatigue, loss of strength and overexertion. A pillow presented to you as a gift in a dream, says, according to this dream book, that in the near future your life will seriously change. If in a dream you see a pillow being turned over, then rejoice, because in reality this means that you will be able to get away from the problems that worry you. When you see that in your hands there is a pillow dressed in a pillowcase, the dream book interprets this as immediate worries and troubles. It's a bad sign if you dry your bedding in the sun. This suggests that your dreams will be harshly and cynically trampled upon, and they will not come true. If you hold a bag and fill it with fluff to put under your head, this is a sign of imminent business success and prosperity in your career and business - this is how the dream book suggests interpreting it. A lot of pillows on the bed is a sign sent to you to explain that all your problems in life stem from your laziness and indecisiveness. Loneliness and betrayal are foreshadowed by a dream in which you sleep on someone else's bedding. Well, if you put something under your headboard in a dream, this means that in reality a very difficult decision awaits you.

Why do you dream of a pillow in your hands?


a pillow in your hands in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you like to control everything. You are used to living according to a clear plan and will not let anyone break it. Also, such a dream suggests that soon you will have to help a stranger. This will not be easy for you: you will have to step over your principles in order to provide quality assistance.

Pillow and blanket

in hands - to move. In a broad sense, such a dream can mean a change of scenery: a new job, travel, meeting new people. Another meaning of the dream is the fear of opening up to the world. You are used to creating your own worlds, for which you come up with the rules yourself. Try to leave your cozy shell, and you will understand how beautiful life is around you.

Why do you dream of feathers from a pillow?

Down and feathers from a pillow in a dream mean confusion in all areas of life in reality. You like to be in control, but you will soon lose it. Troubles at work, quarrels with a loved one, internal grievances are possible. Also, such a dream may indicate oversaturation. You are tired of your lifestyle, you want something radically new. Change the environment, if moving is too exotic, just rearrange the furniture or re-glue the wallpaper, this will help you feel like a slightly different person.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of pillow

A lot, a whole mountain

pillows - for a holiday, fun with friends or family. The reason can be varied, sometimes there may not be one at all, the main thing is that you will enjoy it and take a break from the routine for a while. If the pillows are multi-colored, you will have to deal with children. These can be either your children or someone else’s; in any case, this communication will not let you get bored and will not be a burden.

New pillows

they say that something recently happened that shook you to the core. If in a dream you are unpacking pillows, then your emotional background is unstable. If you sleep on a new pillow, you will soon have to pour out your soul to someone, and this will only benefit you. And if you put someone on a new pillow, it means that soon you will have to protect your loved one.


pillow in a dream - to deceive your own expectations. Sometimes you have to pretend to hide your true feelings. This pattern of behavior can have a negative impact on you, causing you to become more irritable and nervous. Try to be simpler and don't be afraid of being rejected. It is better to show your true colors than to hide behind unnatural emotions all your life.


the pillow may indicate that you lack adventure. You think outside the box, and therefore your desires are different from ordinary ones. Allow yourself to get a little weird, try yourself in extreme sports, or, on the contrary, choose an extremely calm hobby. The main thing is that it is not typical for you, then new sensations are guaranteed.


a pillow in a dream may indicate that you are a supporter of traditional values. You are conservative and always act according to plan. Such a dream can foretell a period of calm and tranquility; you will let go of all grievances, learn to forgive and smile at this world. A down pillow is a good sign that promises a new beginning.

What did you see on your pillow in your dream?

If you saw lice

on the pillow, which means in reality you will have to catch someone in a lie. If the pillow is yours and you have just lifted your head from it, you will have to act alone, but if it is the pillow of a loved one, like-minded people and relatives will come to your aid. Lice on a pillow are a positive sign, because the outcome of your confrontation will be positive for you rather than for your opponents.


on the pillow - to wealth. This insect promises a quick win, victory in a money competition. Money will come to you without much effort and will bring only happiness. If in a dream you brush a spider off your pillow in fear, the path to wealth will be short and smooth, and if the spider evokes affection, and you are glad to be in such a neighborhood, you will have to compete for the prize.


on the pillow can be a signal from the body that something is going wrong. Don’t be afraid: perhaps an old illness or injury has made itself felt. In order not to torment yourself with guesses, listen to your body and visit a doctor, he will be able to dispel all your fears. Also, such a dream suggests that you need to unload your head. You restrain your emotions, digest your experiences within yourself. Give vent to your feelings and you will immediately feel freer.

Universal dream book

The appearance of a pillow in a dream depends on many reasons. Perhaps you are simply tired of everyday worries and dream of relaxation, and at the same time associated with fantasy and escape from difficult reality. If you dream that you cannot sleep because of a hard pillow, this is a sign that in reality you will have to give up your illusions. If you see a torn pillow in a dream, in reality you should be wary of deception and trickery. If you fluff your pillow in a dream, this is a sign that your fantasies are far from reality.

What did you do with the pillow in your dream?


pillows in a dream can foretell a meeting with your soul mate. It may seem to you that no one understands you and everyone is against you, one fateful meeting - and you will change your attitude towards this world. Also, buying a pillow may portend new sensations, and not always pleasant ones: you will try something that seemed attractive and interesting to you and be disappointed.


pillow means providing yourself with emotional stability. If you buy a pillow alone, then you will have to cope with difficulties on your own, but if the purchase is made together with your loved one, you will be surrounded by care and love. Also, such a dream suggests that you are looking for moral support, you have started a new path and you need an outside opinion.

Sew up

pillow in a dream - expect an inevitable quarrel in reality. You have been preparing yourself for a long time for a difficult conversation, and it will soon take place. To be more confident and courageous, rest well before the meeting. Another meaning of sleep is a choice that needs to be made in a fairly short time. You will definitely succeed if you enlist the help of a friend. If the seams on the pillows are even, then you will find a compromise in a quarrel; if they are crooked, expect disappointment from your loved one.

Put on a pillowcase

on a pillow means to find yourself in an unusual situation. If you are used to a measured life, the situation will be strange, almost theatrical, and if you think that it is difficult to surprise you, you will have to take part in a rather comical incident yourself. If the pillowcase is difficult to put on, you will face difficulties at work, and if you handle it masterfully, you will be asked for help.

Remove the pillowcase

from the pillow in a dream means parting with bad habits and people acting as energy vampires. If the pillowcase is old and torn, you will start a new, happy life; if it is difficult to remove, it will be difficult for you to find a common language with the new team. Also, such a dream is a harbinger of a new chapter, a symbol of beginnings. You will have a chance to change jobs or receive a lucrative offer that will bring profit in the future.

folding pillows

- to reconciliation. If you harbor a grudge against an old friend or relative, it's time to resolve the issue. Prepare for difficulties: you will have to take the first step yourself, but it will bear fruit and you will forget about disagreements. If the pillows are small and more like sewing pillows, you will have a series of minor failures that will end quite quickly.

In a dream they suffocate with a pillow

– think about your health. Such a dream may indicate that your body is suffering, but this illness is more likely of a psychological nature. You hold back emotions, anger and resentment, and this significantly affects the quality of your life. Try to express your emotions, for example, through sports, or have a heart-to-heart talk with a close friend. Also, such a dream promises quick relief from a global problem. This will literally give you a breath of fresh air, a second wind, with which you can start a new chapter in life.

The most popular interpretation of a dream about pillows is the containment of emotions. Don’t keep grudges, anger and disappointment inside yourself, share it with your loved ones and drive away bad thoughts. Have a nice sleep!

Actions with a pillow

Do you remember what you did in your dream? Your actions will help interpret the dream more correctly. If in a dream you held a pillow in your hands, in real life you will have troubles and worries. If it fell on the floor, expect guests. Perhaps it is with them that your troubles will be connected.

Why do you dream about a pillow on which you saw small insects? This promises you a good income and improved financial well-being. You can get rid of big troubles if you turn your pillow over. Buying this item in a dream means possible health problems.

Notice what you did with the pillowcase. If you filmed it, it means you will succeed in business and business, and by strongly suppressing your competitors. On rare occasions, people have dreams in which they air dry a pillow on a sunny day. Such a dream may mean that they will have to take off their rose-colored glasses and say goodbye to some illusions.

A dream in which the sleeper stuffs his pillow with down promises a favorable outcome. A situation may happen to him in which he will win. Such a dream promises major success in business and a successful solution to any problem.

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