Characteristics of a Gemini-Dragon man from A to Z!

Zodiac signs

  • Characteristics of Gemini-Dragon men
  • Disadvantages of the sign
  • Characteristics of Gemini-Dragon women
  • Disadvantages of the sign
  • Love compatibility for Gemini in the Year of the Dragon
  • Full characteristics of a Gemini child born in the year of the Dragon

People born under the sign of Gemini in the year of the Dragon are sometimes said to have a third eye in their forehead. They are so insightful and insightful. In this combination, the analytical mind traditional for Gemini is greatly enhanced by the properties of the eastern patron and has a great influence on their formation. they feel the strength of two personalities , and besides, it’s as if they have an internal mirror into which they can look at themselves from the outside. This keeps you from rash actions and allows you to emerge victorious from difficult circumstances without taking a rash step.

Compatibility with water and earth zodiac signs

Now let's move on to assessing the compatibility of the Gemini Dragon woman with men born under certain zodiac signs. And first we will test ladies with men who were born under zodiac signs influenced by the elements of Water and Earth.

  1. Cancer will be a true friend and a good husband for her if they have common interests in various areas of life.
  2. Scorpio will be an excellent sexual partner for such a woman, since their intimate life will always be full of novelty. If Scorpios do not hide their feelings from the lady, they will have an excellent romantic relationship.
  3. Pisces with the Gemini-Dragon lady can form a strong union if both partners make every effort to do so.
  4. Taurus does not go well with a woman born under the constellation Gemini in the year of the Dragon, since for her he is too down-to-earth a sign that lacks lightness.
  5. A Virgo man can only count on friendship and cooperation with such a representative of the fair sex, in a relationship with whom they will not have enough tenderness and warmth for them to become a couple.
  6. Capricorn is the most attractive sign for such a lady in an intimate sense, so at the beginning of the relationship she will take all the initiative, and their further development will depend only on the man.

Gemini man born in the year of the Dragon

Zodiac sign:Twins
East sign:The Dragon
Lucky numbers:5, 6, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50
Talisman stones:Agate, Alexandrite, Beryl, Citrine

Curiosity and the ability to easily adapt to change are what help you achieve success in any field. You are sociable, you can find a common language with completely different people, you rarely conflict or quarrel, but your relationships are rarely deep and sincere.

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Gemini Element: Air

The element of Gemini is the ever-changing, mobile Air, and their planet is the restless Mercury, the mediator between heaven and earth. He endows this sign with sociability, dexterity and mental alertness.

“Gemini: everything about the zodiac sign,” astrologer Nadezhda Zima

The element of Air personifies lightness and mobility, embodying the principles of interaction between people. No wonder, because air is freedom itself, the desire for absolute equality without borders! This most changeable and unpredictable element in astrology is responsible for contacts, communication and communication. Representatives of the Air element include three zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

As representatives of the air element, Geminis are excellent at adapting to different situations and love change and adventure. They easily make new acquaintances, it is pleasant to communicate with them, they have a lively character, a rich imagination, and they literally enchant those around them with their incredible plans and ideas.

Gemini Dragon woman

A woman born under the sign of Gemini in the year of the Dragon is always elegant and good looking. She knows how to take care of herself, and by nature she is very kind and sympathetic. She is full of love for life in all its manifestations, ready for change and easily endures difficulties. She is a very active, energetic and creative person. Everything comes easy to her, and she can achieve a lot in life.

True, her goals are not always related to creating a family and the role of a wife and mother. Her family rarely comes first. For this woman, career, friends and communication are more important. It is very important for her to open up and show her abilities, which, by the way, are many. She can achieve success in any creative profession, but she needs recognition and demonstration of her work.

Just creativity as a hobby will not satisfy her; she needs a real creative ladder of success. Only by receiving universal recognition of her uniqueness will she be morally satisfied. The Gemini-Dragon woman is not indifferent to fame, loves to be in public and attract admiring glances, however, this often causes the envy of others.

Born in the year of the Dragon, the Gemini woman knows how to handle finances and very often, at a fairly young age, becomes financially independent. She easily moves up the career ladder, builds trusting relationships with her manager, but it is best for her to start her own business. She is confident in herself, has her own point of view and an answer to any question. At the same time, she does not like to listen to others and makes all decisions on her own.

She is always moving towards her goal, which she will definitely achieve. A woman born with the combination of Gemini-Dragon signs is a natural leader who can put any business on its feet, manage an entire team and make important decisions.

The Gemini-Dragon woman has incredible feminine charm; she can be capricious and tearful, but at the same time she will always look good. Her main trait in relationships is emotionality. She never hides her feelings and openly expresses them to the whole world.

True, the same thing will happen if she suddenly loses interest in her partner. And having made a decision, he never regrets it. To feel protected, she needs a strong man, to whom she always makes great demands: attention, understanding, support - all this must be provided to her by her husband in full, otherwise the relationship is unlikely to be long.

In family relationships, the Gemini-Dragon woman also takes a leading position. Very often she earns more than her husband, solves all difficulties and shows maximum care. In relation to household members she is very demanding, uncompromising and often hot-tempered.

In a fit of anger, he can say a lot of unnecessary things, but when he cools down, he always asks for forgiveness. In order for family life to be happy, it is necessary to immediately clearly delineate responsibilities and leadership in the home, defining the boundaries of where and who can interfere and where not.

Horoscope of Gemini-Dragon man in Family and Marriage

In family relationships, he can become responsible if his partner matches his ideals regarding intelligence. With the birth of children it may change a little. He often devotes his time to them, but gradually with age he becomes more distant from them, since he considers them old enough. Over time, relationships with your spouse and relatives become more trusting and tender.

Marriage is something complicated and incomprehensible for him. He prefers to stay away from it as long as possible. However, he will marry if his partner is persistent enough, or certain circumstances arise. In addition, he may put off this decision for a long time, but at a more mature age he may reconsider his views on this issue. As a result, he can quickly agree to the marriage.

Characteristics of a Gemini-Dragon man in Love

He has all the necessary qualities for love, as he is emotional, but in moderation. He is always busy with interesting things that can attract a woman. But he will need to curb his temper and try to be softer and simpler in order to become loved and love himself, to become indispensable for his chosen one. As a result, he can not only be happy, but also build a strong family.

In love, he rarely becomes attractive to his partner. The point here is not in external characteristics, but in his character traits. He is too frank and can drive his partner to rage with his frankness. In addition, he always considers himself right and strives to prove that he is right. Women do not always like this attitude, since it is they who must play the main role, and not he, for a harmonious relationship.

Element and planet of Gemini

Mercury is the winged messenger of the gods, he flies on his light wings and encourages people to talk and argue with each other. This planet in the horoscope is responsible for intelligence, learning abilities, way of thinking, logic and reasoning, as well as for any kind of intellectual connections and communication between people. And, of course, for trade. Mercury's motto: “I am interested!”

Mercury brings to the character of Gemini an insatiable desire to see and know everything, and it is also desirable to be in several places at the same time. It is thanks to the influence of Mercury in their horoscope that Geminis are able to masterfully work with huge amounts of information, speak a lot and convincingly, and also easily establish contacts with countless people.

Colors of Gemini: Rich emerald green, the color of bright, lush greenery and foliage. Metal of Gemini: Mercury. Talisman stone of Gemini: Beryl, garnet. Opposite and complementary sign of Gemini in the Zodiac circle: Sagittarius.

Gemini Man, born in the year of the Dragon, in the Bed

He expresses his feelings simply, without frills, since he is not strong in this area. Can play a secondary role if his partner is stronger in character and sexier. He might enjoy experimenting if he's in the mood. Long caresses and foreplay are not to his taste, since he does not tolerate anything long-term. His attention may switch to something else if his partner does not interest him.

He never puts intimate relationships first. The point is that he is somewhat dry emotionally. He is too smart and interesting to make this relationship dominant. At a young age he may be interested in these relationships, but later he is quite selective about partners. The fact is that he is looking more for a friend than for a lover, partner or spouse.

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