What to give a man: jewelry in the form of amulets or amulets

The Slavs always wore amulets. Men's Slavic amulets were most often made by a woman who was closely related to the man. But amulets for men could also be made by men - magicians, healers, priests. There are certain rules for the manufacture of protective amulets, as well as requirements for their wearing and use.

There are various amulets and almost all of them have the symbolism of Slavic gods, elemental forces, and good spirits of Nature. The Slavic men's amulet is not only a body decoration, but also a part of clothing and everyday life.

Ax of Perun

The ax of Perun is a talisman of brave and mighty warriors. This male Slavic amulet symbolizes the angry heavens, the god of thunder and thunderstorms. Perun is also the custodian of family values. The ancient Slavs attached great importance to family memory: the power of the family grew with each generation thanks to accumulated knowledge and experience. Perun's ax became a sign of courage and dedication, as well as a protective symbol of the clan.

Types of Slavic amulets for men

Since ancient times, amulets for men have had significant differences from those for women, since they protected the stronger sex during the hunt, protected health, and gave good luck. Traditionally, men's talismans were copper or silver and had a more strict and laconic design than women's. Wearing the sign as a bracelet or pendant was not a prerequisite - embroidery on a shirt or engraving on a weapon was enough.

The most powerful energy was endowed with amulets made by mothers or spouses, since a sincerely loving woman put exclusively bright intentions into the talisman. Amulets woven from spouses' hair were often mentioned - they gave husbands strength on the hunt and the battlefield. After the hunt, the fangs and claws of defeated animals were woven into talismans, which gave the stronger sex additional confidence.

Hammer of Svarog

The strongest male amulet “Hammer of Svarog”

A talisman worn by a man when he reaches the age of a warrior. This symbol helps in mastering a new profession, gives peace and confidence. God Svarog helps family people in strengthening marriage bonds, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house, and acquiring the wisdom of their ancestors.


amulet with the Rysich symbol

This amulet is filled with sacred meaning, so its image was often used on the weapons and equipment of warriors, priestly attire and on the Standards of the Family. Rysich is a sign of integrity and power. It gives its wearer endurance and the greatest wisdom.

Gromovik (right-sided solstice)

amulet Thunderer

The talisman, which for centuries was used exclusively in military craft, is now used in everyday life. This is a traditionally male amulet that emits solar energy. Under no circumstances should women wear the Thunderbolt, as it will have the opposite effect, having a detrimental effect on fate.

Grozovik (left-sided solstice)

amulet Thunderstorm

This talisman helped warriors resist enemies. It was often depicted on military attributes, as it served as a symbol of Indra, the god of war. Today Grozovik helps men whose professions are related to natural elements: aviators, sailors, fire department workers, etc.


amulet Svarga

One of those amulets that are not worn as decoration, but are put on only when they feel ready to step on the path of enlightenment. To wear this Slavic amulet, you must have experience and certain knowledge, so it is intended for men who have crossed the 32-year-old mark and who have children.


Amulet with the Ratiborets symbol

This sign is associated with the ancestors, their wisdom, insight, courage and prudence. By applying this symbol to things, a man was initiated into a warrior. Today it is suitable for representatives of the stronger sex, whose activities are associated with a threat to life: diplomats, military personnel, pilots. The main condition for wearing the Ratiborts is pure thoughts, otherwise you should not wear it.


amulet Kolyadnik

One of the most revered solar talismans. The amulet was worn by boys and then by adult men. The caroler gives courage, wisdom and agility.


amulet Stribozhich

Traditionally a male amulet, as it helps to pacify natural phenomena. The optimal gift option for sailors, tourists, steeplejacks, and firefighters.


amulet Znich

A talisman for those who strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement. The bearer of this sign will always feel recharged with the energy of the cosmos. Znich gives a working spirit, strengthens fortitude, encourages creativity and even helps to find true love.

Ax of Perun

amulet of Perun's Ax

This talisman replenishes a man’s spiritual and physical strength, protects him on the battlefield, protects family values, faith and love. This is a symbol of Perun - the god of thunder and lightning, ready to punish the enemy and, if necessary, support him in a mortal battle, giving the wearer hope and additional energy.

Shield of Perun

amulet Shield of Perun

A sign that purifies a person’s thoughts and protects against bad speech. A truly masculine amulet gives its wearer the energy of the thunder god himself and helps to overcome the difficult ups and downs of life. For women, wearing this symbol is a strict taboo, since its powerful power can have a detrimental effect on her fate.

Seal of Veles (Bear Paw)

Seal of Veles - an attractive and mysterious Slavic amulet

This amulet will provide protection to a man only if he wears it throughout his life. God Veles bestows career advancement, high ability to work, and financial wealth. The talisman is more suitable for those whose professional activities are related to nature: hunters, fishermen, sailors, etc.

Sword in the star of England

Sword in the star of England

A universal male amulet that concentrates the energy and courage of a warrior. The vibes of the sword are enhanced by the genus, personified by the star. The second name of this amulet is Immortelle.

Cross of Svarog

Among men's Slavic amulets and their meanings, the cross of Svarog is one of the most ancient and important. The octagonal star depicted on the symbol points with its rays to all cardinal directions. The Cross of Svarog is also called “Alatyr” - after the name of the octagonal star. This amulet is a symbol of wisdom, infinity, something global and unshakable. This sign was an indispensable companion of witches and travelers.


Valkyrie is a male Slavic amulet, the description of which sounds like this: a warrior maiden on a winged horse, picking up the dead from the battlefield in order to take them to the world of the dead. This sign is considered one of the most sacred among the Slavs; it performs the function of protection, while symbolizing nobility, wisdom, ingenuity, and creativity. The male Slavic amulet with the Valkyrie creates special energy protection, protecting its owner from damage, negativity, and bad words.

What you need to know about men's mascots

Women have been making talismans for a long time. When a man went to war, his mother, wife or daughter gave him a protective amulet, with the help of which he returned home unharmed. If a man's amulet was made of metal, the woman turned to a craftsman for help. The basis for such amulets was silver, bronze, and gold. In Rus', when a boy was born, an amulet was immediately hung around his neck. There are certain types of amulets that were passed down from father to son.

Men's amulets have the following abilities:

Men's talismans make their owner more resilient

  • help develop courage and boldness;
  • make their owner more resilient;
  • the man becomes stronger and more agile;
  • protect from other people’s negative energy influences;
  • have a positive effect on well-being and health;
  • maintain mutual understanding and harmony in the family.


Such a symbol endowed the owners with determination and courage, but at the same time with wisdom, providing great chances of being able to solve problems that arise along the path of life with the least losses. This amulet was especially relevant for politicians and diplomats. The male Slavic amulet-Kolyadnik protected its owner from rash decisions, hot temper, repelled failures, attracting peace, clarity of thoughts and success in endeavors.

Seal of Veles

Descriptions of men's Slavic amulets and their meaning vary in different sources, but the Seal of Veles does not lose its meaning - this sign is a symbol of the patronage and protection of the god Veles. This symbol looks like a bear's paw print and helps to maintain hope, protects travelers on the road and attracts good luck. The sign served especially well for people related to magic or trade. The Veles seal awakens wisdom and hidden possibilities in a person. The symbol is an ideal talisman for gifted, creative and active people. However, such an amulet was forbidden to be worn by people who drink alcohol, since this symbol can direct a person’s energy in a completely unproductive direction. Being an extremely powerful and energetic symbol, the Seal of Veles is not always able to correctly direct the flow of energy of a person who has some weaknesses. In addition, this amulet was capable of bringing good luck and success to fishermen and hunters.

How to choose your amulet

The choice of a talisman for men depends on the magical power that a person wants to receive. The ancient Slavs knew which symbol to use under which circumstances; now, before choosing a talisman, you should study the effect of a particular symbol and choose based on the required action.

If there is a totem animal in the family, preference should be given to it.

If there are no specific preferences, it is best to choose a symbol live. Whichever symbol you like is the one that will do. However, the meaning of the amulet should be taken into account.

Slavic amulets for men can be worn by women only in a critical situation, because when they are used, the femininity and energy of the keeper of the family is destroyed.


Alatyr is suitable from birth.
protects from evil. strengthens family ties. Alatyr symbol

It is considered universal, can be used from infancy until the end of life. Suitable for men and women. The symbol contains the power of the Family, protects against evil spirits, helps to gain and increase health, preserves ancestral (family memory), and connects generations.


Represents the spiritual development of a person, the desire for light. God symbol

promotes self-development, self-learning and self-improvement. Attracts good luck and health. Helps to achieve harmony, mental balance and tranquility.

Can be worn from birth.


Suitable for men who value work. Helps achieve high results, promotes spiritual development, protects from evil. Gives self-confidence and promotes the formation of inner spirit (willpower). White God symbol

worn directly on the body, made of silver. Available for tattooing.


Refers to a family amulet, helps to create and maintain harmony in the family, achieve success, acquire benefits, maintain good relations among relatives of all generations. Glorify your family. Vseslavets

protects the home also from external destruction and natural disasters.


Amulet with the Valkyrie

suitable for the defenders of their native land. The power of the amulet includes aggression and wisdom. In peaceful life, it helps to achieve a goal, find a life partner and continue one’s lineage with dignity.

Gromovik - thunderstorm

The thunder and thunder amulets are purely masculine. Most often it is made double-sided, but each symbol can be separately. For detailed information about the influence of these solar symbols, read the main articles dedicated to each amulet specifically.


The znich symbol has magical energy aimed at protection in dangerous and difficult situations. Promotes the acquisition and preservation of love, helps people of creative professions.

Among other things, the znich is able to accumulate positive energy and give it to its owner at times when support is needed. Protects against loss of strength, bad mood and heavy thoughts.


Caroler symbol

can be used by men from childhood. Promotes the formation of such character traits as: courage, wisdom, calmness. Develops fortitude. Helps in mastering martial arts.

Hammer of Svarog

Personal talisman hammer of Svarog

helps self-development, mastering new professions, and obtaining the necessary knowledge. Thanks to this talisman, the sharp edges of character are smoothed out, a man becomes wiser and calmer. Promotes inner harmony.

Strengthens the connection between spouses, between different generations, and has ancestral memory.


The sign of a fighter

is a military symbol. Represents wisdom, courage, responsibility for decisions made. Suitable for men in dangerous professions. Children can wear ratiborets no earlier than 12-14 years old.

Seal of Veles bear paw

Bear Paw

refers to a protective amulet intended for men. Helps people connected with nature: farmers, hunters, fishermen, foresters, as well as warriors, traders and various kinds of rescuers.

Seal of Veles wolf paw

The wolf's paw is a universal symbol that helps achieve your goals. Attracts success and maintains health.


Male with symbol Rodimich

protects from wrong actions, balances character. The amulet is suitable for boys from birth. In ancient times, the rodimich symbol was used by the head of the family, emphasizing the important role and high respect.


Svarga amulet

refers to a purely male symbol, available for wearing only by a mature husband over 32 years old who is ready to follow the path of enlightenment. The amulet will help you change your life, find your destiny given from birth.


Men's amulet Stribozhich

aims to protect against natural disasters and accidents. Suitable for sailors, firefighters, rescuers, climbers.

Ax of Perun

The amulet of Perun's ax stands guard over family values: love, health, mutual respect. Promotes procreation. Protects a man in battles, betrays physical and spiritual strength.

Shield of Perun

Protective amulet shield of Perun

protects from the evil eye, damage, failures and various manifestations of the Navi world.

Men's amulets are aimed at strengthening male character traits:

  • force;
  • wisdom;
  • courage;
  • assertiveness;
  • nobility;
  • responsibility.

Protects against rash actions. They help to find a path in life and self-development. However, the main purpose of men's Slavic amulets was protection on the battlefield, while hunting, and at sea. Women who wished well for their men created amulets with the belief that he would return home alive from any battle.


The meaning and description of the male Slavic amulet Vseslavets is quite predictable: a symbol of glory and veneration, harmony in relationships. This amulet is related to fire: it incinerates all disagreements and disputes between people, and it itself protects from fire, both elemental and mental. This sign also symbolizes peaceful relations between people, harmony in the soul and feelings. The amulet absorbs all negative emotions and trends, changing them for the benefit of the world and its owner.

How to make an amulet with your own hands?

You can make a talisman yourself by selecting suitable materials. For the Slavic amulet, various raw materials are suitable, except for materials of animal origin. Despite exactly how the amulet will be made, you cannot use natural leather or six animals.

We recommend: Slavic amulet Bogovnik: the meaning of the symbol and rules of use. How to clean and charge the amulet?

Fresh wood is best suited for the amulet, but you cannot cut down a tree for this. The selected symbol can be applied using carving or paint; burning of the design is allowed.

For making an amulet, various:

  • metals;
  • threads;
  • stones;
  • textile.

When making a talisman, it is extremely important to think only about light and good things. For an amulet to work, it must be created only with good intentions.


In the photo - the male Slavic amulet Dukhobor - it can help you take the right position in life. This talisman can contribute not only to spiritual, but also physical cleansing and healing. Doukhobor reveals the true essence of things, helps to throw off all unnecessary things and look at things clearly. This amulet resists negative forces, evil spirits and bad deeds, cleansing a person of weaknesses and vile intentions. Acting against the amulet could greatly harm the energy of its kind.


The ancient talisman of the Slavs, Rodimich, symbolizes a strong connection between generations, which requires mandatory adherence to traditions established over centuries. The patron of the talisman is considered to be Rod, the creator of the entire existing world. The sign consists of several Slavic runes, composed in a certain sequence, which endowed the amulet with magical protective powers. The shape of the amulet should be angular, which symbolized the firmness and confidence of the character of the stronger sex - such an amulet was purely masculine. They were intended as a gift for boys, so that they would feel protected and confident.


A magical item with the symbol of the Traveler was worn by men who needed to go on a long and distant military campaign to wild and unfamiliar lands. It was also used by travelers, conquerors, and explorers. The amulet helped to maintain a clear mind and sober mind throughout the difficult journey. A clear view of things helped to avoid dangerous situations and hidden threats, allowing the most rational and fruitful use of the traveler’s intellectual and power potential. Thus, the amulet is protective, while acting through the mind of its wearer.


This mystical symbol is considered a kind of connecting sign of all generations of the family, rooted in the divine principle. The Svarozhich amulet is a special honor that not everyone could receive. Only that man whose thoughts were pure and open, whose intentions were aimed at strengthening the Slavic family, could wear such an amulet. Usually it was worn by especially revered representatives of the clan - elders, sages, brave warriors, priests.

How to charge and wear

To cleanse the amulet, dip it in holy water

To obtain the necessary power from the amulet, it must first be charged and cleansed. For purification, the water, fire, air or earth elements are used. During the full moon, lower the object into a glass of holy water and throw in three handfuls of salt. You can also put the amulet in a container with earth overnight. You can charge and activate an item using a candle flame.

You need to carry it with you at all times so that the non-sacred symbol is not seen by strangers. Never share with anyone that the amulet helped you achieve your goals.

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