Tiger woman under the zodiac sign Virgo: characteristics

The formation of the final character occurs in men of these signs by the age of 30. It is by this age that the final determination, charisma and fortitude of such a man are formed. An important part of the self-development of a Tiger-Virgo man is the adoption of the life experience of his friends and additional education.

It is not easy to compose the characteristics of a Tiger-Virgo man. They can remain alone for some time to realize the meaning of their existence. Often these men commit rash actions, however, this feature remains with them throughout their lives.

Characteristics of Virgo-Tiger men

These gentlemen are disciplined and specific in all their plans and intentions. Their time is scheduled minute by minute, and serious events are scheduled for specific dates at least six months in advance. At the same time, Virgo-Tigers do not give the impression of a “man in a case” , but look like democratic intellectuals who easily enter into casual communication with both the minister and the office courier.

A large supply of vital energy allows them to work day after day, without knowing rest or respite. But it’s important to know when to stop so as not to overexert yourself and cause the envy of your colleagues.

The Virgo guy, born in the year of the Tiger, always has “hidden trump cards”: from a young age he knows how to take responsibility, and as he matures, he often bears the burden of making the most important decisions in business, at work, and in the family. Colleagues and relatives rely on his ability to calculate all possible scenarios and choose the best one. This strengthens the authority of such a person , brings him to leadership positions, and his cheerful character makes him popular in any environment. The tiger could easily “get the stars from the sky,” but the cautious Virgo prefers to stay close to the ground.

Disadvantages of the sign

Representatives of these signs can be very jealous, and their possessive instinct can provoke quarrels and misunderstandings between partners. Another weakness of theirs is the desire to show off in front of the audience, “working for the public,” which can alienate serious partners. In addition, Virgo-Tigers can get so carried away by the task that they do not calculate their strength and suffer a nervous breakdown or physical exhaustion. To prevent this from happening, they need to find time for proper sleep and rest, eat well, and spend more time in the fresh air.

To some, such a woman may seem superficial and too focused on herself

Features of a male character

The Virgo Tiger guy gets impulsiveness and optimism from the royal animal, and restraint and straightforwardness from the Virgo. Their communication style is democratic, light, lively and flavored with a large amount of humor.

These men are very disciplined and responsible, their days are scheduled literally minute by minute. At the same time, they are purposeful and intelligent people who easily enter into casual relationships with all colleagues and co-workers.

They know how to maneuver in the most acute situations, without causing envy or discontent. They are usually not afraid to take responsibility for others and always carry out their assigned work brilliantly. This undoubtedly increases their authority. If the active Tiger wants to bask in the rays of glory, then the cautious and modest Virgo keeps him on the sinful earth.

Characteristics of Virgo-Tiger women

To some, such a woman may seem superficial and too focused on herself. In fact, the graceful playfulness that a Virgo girl born in the year of the Tiger receives from a predatory cat does not in the least prevent her from remaining rational and consistent. Even moving from one romantic relationship to another, she does not lose her organizational talent and achieves success in almost any type of business. A strong character helps to overcome any barriers and heights, and sincere sociability wins the hearts of different people, including those useful for the cause.

The Virgo-Tiger woman is very smart and prudent ; she will not take a step without deciding in advance what she will do if the project turns out to be unsuccessful.

She is an excellent leader who knows which of her subordinates are capable of what, and therefore never sets them impossible tasks.

She acts just as wisely in her family. All household members have their own responsibilities that they must strictly fulfill. The housewife is so upset by the disorder that her husband and children try their best not to break the established rules. She herself is ready to work tirelessly for the well-being of her loved ones , thereby expressing her love and devotion to them. Such a woman loves comfort, beautiful clothes, prestigious entertainment and knows how to provide herself with all this through her own labor.

Disadvantages of the sign

Women living under the shadow of these signs often have a weak type of nervous system, while they are hot-tempered and impressionable. In unpleasant situations, emotions sometimes overwhelm an independent nature, and a traditionally self-possessed lady can say too much. And her tongue is sharp: a sense of humor plus the ability to “trick” her interlocutor causes rivals and competitors a lot of problems, but, having cooled down, the balanced Virgo again “builds bridges” and returns relations to a peaceful course.

Another disadvantage of the rational personalities of Virgo-Tigers is their predictability, which sometimes borders on boredom. In order not to bore their spouse and not cause long-time friends to yawn, they should trust others more and at least sometimes give up the desire to control everyone.

Women living under the shadow of these signs often have a weak type of nervous system

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Love compatibility of Virgos in the year of the Tiger

Both Virgo-Tiger women and men are endowed with many valuable qualities, and by using them correctly they receive their main prize in life - happy love and a strong family. Being maximalists in everything, they want to build ideal relationships, and, as a rule, they succeed. They will not approach the issue of marriage lightly, but will carefully analyze and weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen one. To the surprise of others, such a sober approach often turns out to be a win-win and becomes the basis for mutual understanding and a long marriage.

Virgo-Tiger men are attracted to non-standard and bright people . The chronicle of their personal life may contain hobbies for wayward beauties, but for marriage they need a strong-willed partner, accomplished as an individual and a professional, or a balanced and kind-hearted woman who has everything sorted out and always has time to look in the mirror. Fiery Aries, creative Cancers, and homely Taurus are suitable for such men, but it is better to stay away from arrogant Sagittarius, amorphous Pisces or ever-doubting Gemini. With proud Capricorns, everything can work out if there is a mutual desire to preserve the union.

The Virgo-Tiger woman knows her worth and, if she doesn’t get married immediately after the prom, she will take a long time to decide who is right for her

In choosing a life partner, she relies on her insight, but also listens to her intuition.

The spiritual gentleness and innate charm that Virgo-Tiger women hide under restraint make them very attractive in the eyes of smart, extraordinary men who know how to appreciate charm and sophistication.

True compatibility in love awaits them in marriage with reliable Taurus; compatibility with courageous Leo and passionate Scorpio is likely. The union with Aquarius will not fall apart only on the condition that both parties want to preserve it. Special patience will be needed in a marriage with Pisces, but even here, with the right desire, everything can work out.

Maximum compatibilityAverage compatibilityMinimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendarPig, Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Rooster, HorseRat, Goat, Tiger, Dragon, Snake, OxMonkey
According to the Western calendarVirgo, Aries, Cancer, TaurusAquarius, Scorpio, Leo, Libra, CapricornSagittarius, Pisces, Gemini


As a life partner, the Virgo-Tiger woman is looking for a strong man, a little like herself. When choosing a husband, one primarily relies on the mind rather than the heart. If the Virgo-Tiger did not get married on time, then over time it will be more and more difficult for a woman to find her companion - she will find fault with every man who has signed up for her as a suitor, trying to find all the hidden traits in him.

Virgo-Tigers have ideal compatibility with Taurus-Rabbits, Cancer-Dragons, Virgo-Tigers, Virgo-Horses, Scorpio-Dragons and Scorpio-Rabbits.

Full characteristics of a Virgo child born in the year of the Tiger

Such a child has a wide range of interests. A thirst for knowledge awakens in him early, and already at the age of three, a Virgo boy in the year of the Tiger can surprise his family and friends with his developed intellect and logic of thinking. But by focusing on the mental development of the child, parents risk missing out on the spiritual aspect of his upbringing.

Such children may suffer from some coldness and detachment, as a result of which it is difficult for them to build relationships with peers in preschool institutions, and it is also difficult at school. They need a smooth and caring atmosphere of a loving family. Then the world and those around them seem kinder to them, and the innate wariness of such children recedes into the background.

The Virgo-Tiger girl is disciplined and responsible

Families in which a girl of these signs is growing up can breathe a sigh of relief. By nature, she is more emotional, freer to show kind feelings towards her family. She is disciplined and responsible . Moms and dads may not check to see if homework is done, but they should definitely take a moment to have intimate conversations with their daughter so as not to lose contact with her as she gets older.

In general, these are kind, future-oriented children. Their curiosity and hard work bring them well-deserved praise and rewards. To avoid possible problems, they need to be taught to lead an active lifestyle and not sit for hours in front of the computer. All these sports balance intense secrecy and the need for physical release, and protect against illness and breakdowns.

Compatibility in love

The bright and attractive nature of the Tiger-Virgo strongly attracts the opposite sex. Women want to see such a man nearby, but after getting to know their lover better, they may change their mind. This is due to the partner’s excessive assertiveness and his desire to control everything. Not every lady can tolerate constant control and criticism.

For a relationship, this man is looking for a girl for whom he will feel sincere feelings. He is not interested in the financial security and good connections of his beloved, the main thing is that the young man feels genuine sympathy for the girl.

It is very difficult to fall in love with this person. The young man is not prone to ill-conceived impulses, and always carefully analyzes possible partners.

He will not fall for ostentatious beauty and decency, and before starting a love relationship he will subject the applicants to his own tests.

Tiger-Virgo is an emotional and impetuous partner, which helps him achieve good physical compatibility with his partner. Such a lover knows how to understand a girl in bed, but is not at all ready to experiment in the intimate sphere.

A representative of this sign takes sex seriously and will not move on to such a high level of relationship until he is sufficiently confident in his partner. Only by fully verifying the reciprocity of feelings and getting used to his beloved can he be completely dissolved in love.

A Virgo-Tiger man can achieve a long-lasting and harmonious union with the Dragon-Pisces, Dragon-Virgo, Gemini Dog and Horse-Pisces. But in order for the union to become a reliable haven for both partners, they need to work long and hard on the relationship.

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